How to make an animation effect in photoshop

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Hello guys iam going to demonstarate a simple animation effect using ps cs2

step-1: we start with an simple text on d scree n with defauly background and user defined layer
use the symbol pointed by arrow to create an new layer

step-2: now we need to create duplicate layers for this user defined layer which contains the text(here my layer contains "dinesh" as text)

select the layer and press (ctrl+j) to create an duplicate layer

and also number of duplicate layers=number of letters in the text(in thz example dup layers =5 since d is given visibility in user defined layer and 'inesh' goes to duplicate layers)

each duplicate layer has one letter visibility in it...

step-3: by default every layer visibility is marked visible change thz by de-selecting eye-symbol
and now to make each layer different from other we define each letter with different colors in each layer
now i de-selected all duplicate layers and selected 1st layer and gave 'd' letter an color

select any required color

step-4: now i de-select 1st layer and select duplicate layer-1
and give letter 'i' some color like thz:

step-5: similarly i de-select duplicate layer -1 and select duplicate layer-2 and give letter ' n' some color like thz:

step-6: follow the same procedur of de-selecting previous duplicate layers and select next duplicate layer and give letters ' e ' ' s ' ' h ' some colors in their respective duplicate layers

step -7:
once each layer has only one letters color filled
we go to next step
of animating this layers in an order

select animation option in windows tab:

an animation window appears like thz with only one layer in it
click the new layer button to create animation layers
create animation layer is pointed by arrow in aimation window

after creating animation layers:

here also number of layers = number of letters in text which is to be animated

step:8 now we have individual duplicate layers and individual animation layers
we need to map these to complete the animation effect

now follow the fig and
select 1st layer in animation layer and
select 1st layer in duplicate layers in right side of the screen

make sure that when 1st animation layer has only one duplicate layer's visibility marked true

now repeat thz step by selecting new animation layer and appropriate duplicate layer

individaully map these two layers carefully and also select visibility for each animation layer by carefully by making true visiblity of appropriate duplicate layers


now we had mapped these each animation layers and duplicate layers
now we need to check the mapping by playing the sequence of layers

select 1st animation layer and play the 1st layer as shown in fig

step :10

if u feel that animation speed is too fast change the speed of loading next layer by using time strap show as below


we complted this process and only saving the file is left

we need to save in .gif format only to make animations visible

save the file as bellow

---> save for web

an new window appears like thz

in thz select original only don't select optimized

now save the file
as .gif file only and don't change thz format

and finally the endproduct of all this process is an gif file whch looks like thz


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