May Be Seen...But You Will Sure See This All New!

A square within a square or is it ? Just the pattern is reversed

Just stare at these images .........the balls start to float

The image is of a spider and the negative is flashed at the same time .The spiders not moving ! its in the same place. The other one is the same type . Both are not moving .

Waves where there are none .

Two concentric circles moving in different directions. Actually none are moving . They seem to move as u increase and decrease the distance between the screen and your eyes.

Are the lines Straight ? Use a ruler on the screen .....

Is this physically possible?

What can u see here ? step 3 metres away from the monitor

IS something moving here ? actually nothing is

Is this a perfect square... yes it is .

Is this a perfectly round circle ?? yes it is.....

Are these lines wavy or straight ... use a ruler n see ...

Which is the right way up or down ??

Amazing one , nothings moving here too !

No moving parts here too

These are concentric circles , its not a spiral.

Are these Horizontal lines straight ??

How many people are really here ??

Look at the centre dot... all the colors will disappear ....

Read this just once ....

Did u read 'the' twice or once ? ? most people will read it just once even though it appears twice.

Move away 3 metres from the monitor if u cant read this

Stare at the center dot. After 10 secs all the pink Dots disappear and a green one appears. Its due to the rods and cones in the retina and image retention feature of the human eye. The reds and greens form a symbiotic pair in nature. Nature has given the eye the special ability for detecting subtle changes in green, which form a major part of colors in nature.

Do u see Black Dots or White ones ? There are no dots, its just an illusion.

How many legs does this elephant have ?

Fool your mind , not your eye .....

Look at this picture . No the gears r not turning , your mind is fooling u