Ultra-D to replace 3D released at CES 2012

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Ultra-D to replace 3D released at CES 2012

Tired of the 3D glasses already?  Getting headaches from them like ME!!!!

A solution appears to be on the horizon.  It still remains to be seen if 3D is the same FAD we saw in the 50's and 60's when it comes to Satellite and Cable content.  As well as BluRay releases.

Stream TV Networks, Inc’s product will allow users for the first time to control the amount of 3D rendering which should help those that find 3D movies to be UNCOMFORTABLE.  The product also is said to NOT REQUIRE Glasses.  The process also will allow for conversion of 2D movies to 3D as well.  This is a technology that should be watched closely as it’s developing.  We could start to see it in TV, Converter Boxes, Tablets, Desktop PCs, Gaming, Laptops, Digital Signage, Mobile Phones, Digital Picture Frames very soon.


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